Archive for the ‘Books’ Category
Fronts of Modernity book review

Fronts of Modernity covers
Fronts of Modernity: The Twentieth-Century Collections at the University of Victoria Libraries, by UVic associate professor J. Matthew Huculak, has been reviewed in the Victoria Times Colonist by Robert Amos. Read more…
Seghers Collection book wins Alcuin Award
The Seghers Collection: Old Books for a New World has been awarded Third Prize in the Prose non-fiction illustrated category in the 2014 Alcuin Society Awards for Excellence in Book Design in Canada.
The Seghers Collection book
We completed the first in a planned series of titles for University of Victoria Libraries Special Collections. The Seghers Collection: Old Books for a New World is an exploration of the books that belonged to Charles John Seghers (1839–1886), the second Roman Catholic bishop of Victoria. Seghers was a bibliophile who always carried books with him when he travelled, and he acquired a remarkable collection of ancient books in nine European languages. As Seghers told a friend, “a bishop without books is a soldier without arms.”